Today, We Can Say!

Hey, hey, hey
We learned something new today
Hip hip hooray!
We learned something new today

Today we can say, we learned a word thats new
Today we can say we saw a pretty bird thats blue
Today we made some friends we really like
And today we learned to fly a big red kite!

Hey, hey, hey
We learned something new today
Hip hip hooray!
We learned something new today

Today we can say we learned the colors of the rainbow
Today in the car we learned to buckle up when we go
Today we smell some sweet smelling flowers
And today we learned about telling time, the minutes and the hours

Hey, hey, hey
We learned something new today
Hip hip hooray!
We learned something new today
We learned something new today

Hey, hey, hey
We learned something new today
Hip hip hooray!
We learned something new today

Hoje, Podemos Dizer!

Hey, hey, hey
Aprendemos algo novo hoje
Hip hip hooray!
Aprendemos algo novo hoje

Hoje podemos dizer, aprendemos uma palavra nova
Hoje, podemos dizer que vimos um lindo pássaro azul
Hoje fizemos amigos que realmente gostamos
E hoje aprendemos a empinar uma grande pipa vermelha!

Hey, hey, hey
Aprendemos algo novo hoje
Hip hip hooray!
Aprendemos algo novo hoje

Hoje podemos dizer que aprendemos as cores do arco-íris
Hoje, aprendemos a usar o cinto de segurança no carro
Hoje cheiramos algumas flores com cheiro doce
E hoje aprendemos dizer sobre o tempo, os minutos e as horas

Hey, hey, hey
Aprendemos algo novo hoje
Hip hip hooray!
Aprendemos algo novo hoje
Aprendemos algo novo hoje

Hey, hey, hey
Aprendemos algo novo hoje
Hip hip hooray!
Aprendemos algo novo hoje

Composição: David Bernard Wolf