Dragon Soul! (English)

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go! Free your soul!

Mysteries abound made of a deep energy
Foes all around but I will go fearless and free
I'll give you strength you give me love that's how we'll live
My courage won't fade
If you're with me my enemies will never win

We will fight for love and glory
We will live to tell the story
There is nothing we can't live through
Nothing ever dies, we will rise again!

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, keep your spirit proud
And ride upon the wind
All we have to do is go!

Don't stop, don't stop, were in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go! Free your soul
Dragon soul!

Mysteries abound made of a deep energy
Foes all around but I will go fearless and free
I'll give you strength you give me love that's how we'll live
My courage won't fade
If you're with me my enemies will never win

We will fight for love and glory
We will live to tell the story
There is nothing we can't live through
Nothing ever dies, we will rise again!

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, keep your spirit proud
And ride upon the wind
All we have to do is go!

Don't stop, don't stop, were in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go! Free your soul
Dragon soul!

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, keep your spirit proud
And ride upon the wind
All we have to do is go!

Don't stop, don't stop, were in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go! Free your soul
Dragon soul!

Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now
Don't stop, keep your spirit proud
And ride upon the wind
All we have to do is go!

Don't stop, don't stop, were in luck now
Don't stop, there's so much to be found
We can find paradise
All we have to do is go, go! Free your soul
Dragon soul!

Dragon Soul! (Inglês)

Não pare, não pare, nós estamos com sorte agora
Não pare, não há muito a ser encontrada
Podemos encontrar o paraíso
Tudo o que temos a fazer é ir, vá! Liberte sua alma!

Mistérios abundam neste mundo que procuraremos
Inimigos ao redor, mas eu vou sem medo e livre
Dar-lhe força que você me dá amor é assim que vamos viver
Coragem não vai desaparecer
Se você está comigo meus inimigos nunca pode ganhar

Vamos lutar por amor e glória
Vamos viver para contar a história
Não há nada que não se pode viver através de
Nada morre, vamos subir de novo!

Não pare, não pare, nós estamos com sorte agora
Não pare, mantenha o seu espírito orgulhoso
E andar sobre o vento
Tudo o que temos a fazer é ir!

Não pare, não pare, estavam em sorte agora
Não pare, não há muito a ser encontrada
Podemos encontrar o paraíso
Tudo o que temos a fazer é ir, vá! libertar sua alma
Alma do dragão!

Composição: Takayoshi Tanimoto