You’ve had your fun, now antagonist, you’ll atone

Never will I be what you want me to be
So forget the expectations you’ve set in your own misery

Hunt for defects - observe all is imperfect
And get that shit into your head

Look within and keep your flaws in check
Before coming for everybody else's neck

'Cause I'm getting sick of it
So next time you come across a mirror, take a look at it

Hypocrisy at its finest
Make sure you come ready for war when waking sleeping giants

Is the picture now clearer, we are no longer children
Spouting fake bullshit like you were ever the fucking realest

'Cause I could make you see how fast it’d be for me
To shove an ice pick in your brain - makeshift lobotomy

A new world in your mind
Join this ancient realm of

Restless souls, abandoned bones
Collapsed populations and barren thrones

A void crafted in your toils alone
Swig your poison from the source
Antagonist, now you atone

Consumed, not paid the price
Entombed but still alive

I've been replaced, now I wander alone
Lost in a sea of sticks and stones
Decayed, just by the sands of time
Erased, only in their mind

Defamed, by falsehoods spread
I will raise myself back from the dead

Thinking you buried me, arrogance has you mislead
Once out of this desert, I'm coming for your fucking head

Antagonist you best prepare

Consumed, not paid the price
Entombed but still alive

Unearthed, now gunning for the throne
Moribund, but steel makes up my bones

I'm sick of your rotten words lived in doubt
How dare you speak of what you know nothing about

You’re sick, lie in the pit you dig
I won’t let you be my antagonist so stick your head back in the sand and eat shit

I won’t let you be my antagonist

Not anymore
