Al gdot haYarden beyamim acherim
Gadalti bein od anashim shesharim
Hem sharu balaila hacham kedei le’oded et rucham
Vehem shehish’iru li et hashirim sheli

Shiru, shiru begaron nichar
Al tash’iru koach lamachar
Shiru, shiru vehadliku esh
Ki hashir hu kol ma sheyesh

Shiru, shiru begaron nichar
Al tash’iru koach lamachar
Shiru, shiru vehadliku esh
Ki hashir hu kol ma sheyesh

Ume’az hashirim melavim et chaiai
Ani shara tamid im achai vere’ai
Shirat harabim hachama tuchal lehapil kol choma
Veliftoach levavot, linto’a ahavot

Shiru, shiru begaron nichar
Al tash’iru koach lamachar
Shiru, shiru vehadliku esh
Ki hashir hu kol ma sheyesh

Sing a song, sing till you can no more
Let the world know what you’re singing for
Sing a song, oh, sing it loud and high
Till it reaches up to the sky

Ha’arets shinta et dmuta verucha
Ach shirat harabim lo ibda et kocha
Hazemer haze melaked vehu shenish’ar lanu ed
Uvechol dor vador, ha’am nose mizmor

Shiru, shiru begaron nichar
Al tash’iru koach lamachar
Shiru, shiru vehadliku esh
Ki hashir hu kol ma sheyesh
Ma sheyesh

Sing a song, sing till you can no more
Let the world know what you’re singing for
Sing a song, oh, sing it loud and high
Till it reaches up to the sky

Let the world know
Sing a song
