So hear it
We're been through a lot
We're both hurts, you've cried and I've cried
But no one's yet been shot
Our romance has dwindled and died

But it's the flame that will never die
And this is a power ballad
Song about you and I

I usually sing about carnage and rape
But now I show I really hurt
I sit alone with my guitaar on a fire escape
In the rain in dry hair but sooking shirt

There's helicopters with floodlights showing the way
I'm dangerous and this is a power ballad
It's totally not the least bit gay!

I need a string quartel to come in right here
Cause nothing says rocks like cellos and violins
This song for the ladies while men go get beers
See I don't just trash hotel rooms and shoot heroin!

The video should have two sluts fighting over me
Cause this is a power ballad
It's stupid but I sing with all my might!
So let's remember that our flame will never die
Song about you and I
