The skies were opened and big explosions shook extensive regions of this world

Gigantic beams, messengers of death, reduced to ashes the whole men's race
Their corpses remained unrecognizable
Their hair and their nails were separated from their bodies objects and houses
They remained pulverized
Its light, the one of ten thousand suns, desolating this part of the land

All the force of the universe seemed to fall down on this region of the world
The animals, birds and fishes, as the men, remained white
The trees dried off and all the food, got damaged
All the force of the universe seemed to fall down turning all into thin powder
Its light, the one of ten thousand suns
Ishú nuigh-thalm dugh uleig thag abraxas athaem hely thuslay shilay isaes lhot
As a rain of fire, the divine punishment, the buildings crumble under the furious skies

The deafening sound of the lands breaking under the feet
The fear encroaches upon the soul
The shouts waved between the gale-force winds
The cold of the water silencing the divine ire

The biggest of the known civilizations sentenced to the failure
Semigods condemned to the oblivion
